Never Photo Keys

You should never post pictures of your keys online because it’s very easy for someone who has studied keys, for good or bad purposes, to make that key and then use it against you. Not everyone is good and there’s a lot of creepers running around out there. For years I’ve seen new home owners who were excited and wanted to share that they were new home owners simply posting a picture of their new keys or holding up their new keys. Also, because you don’t know who’s had keys before you, you should rekey a home no matter what, new, used, new built, etc. Bad contractors are the most common to return with a key in theft issues.

What I’m actually writing about today is a new scam going on that I’m reading about in other states where a locksmith company is calling around asking about your recent services. And in doing so they want a copy of the receipt and a photo of the keys made/provided. Some people are thinking it’s a new theft ring attempt. So I wanted to make some sort of a PSA that you should never do it. Don’t share or post a pictures of your keys. In fact, don’t even share your vin number of your vehicle with a rando on the phone! Don’t provide your address either. They are cold calling around just digging for info. So watch your backs and help spread the word that you shouldn’t photo keys to share.

I hope this helps someone out there! Good luck, stay safe, and keep those keys turning people!